



Yes, it's the most commonly used word, it's directed torwards food, clothes, and objects more than it is reffered to people. It's a one syllable, four letter word, no silent letters. Simple. Simple? NO. Well not for me if there was a formula that calculated the exact moment at which this feeling were felt It'd be so much easier. But I guess a part of the magic it is described by is due to the fact that you must also go through the process of realizing what it means. Is it the moment you look into his eyes and see promise, feel hope? Is it the moment your heart stops when you see him? Is it the moment you realize you'd be the happiest girl in the world if you had him right by your side at all times? or is it the moment you sit in class and re-play his words over and over again? It might be all of these. It might be none, I don't know. But what I do know is that I will search, I will find the meaning to this word.

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